You can listen to Italian music, watch Italian movies, prepare Italian recipes There are so many ways to make your language learning a fun and engaging process, especially if youre learning a beautiful and artistic language like Italian. For instance, if youre familiar with Spanish, learning Italian will be much easier. 5 Easy Languages To Learn If You Speak Arabic 1. This languages alphabet utilizes six different vowel sounds (, a, e, i, o, u) and two diphthongs (ey, ow), but the diacritics that denote them, such as the alef do not have a specific sound. The stress placed upon words and sounds is also important. There are many shared cognates between the two languages, making the words easy to recognize and pronounce, as well as having simple ways of creating tenses and possessives. YouTube is a great resource for free lessons and video clips that will help you master perfect pronunciation and retention for the Farsi vocabulary that you compile through other lessons. French is a language that has many similarities to English, and they share a large number of cognates. Yes, that is systems, plural. Look at this Norwegian sentence: Jeg spiste egg til frokost(I ate eggs for breakfast). Persian is one of the Iranian languages, having been spoken in Iran for hundreds of years. You and your buddy will be able to help each other. That being said, several different factors may affect how easy or difficult a person finds it to learn a specific language. Like English, Norwegian or "Norsk" is a Germanic language, which makes it easier for English-speakers to learn. Simplest Tongues To Master be quite good for your brain. Unlike most European languages, which belong to the Indo-European language family, Hungarian is a Uralic language. English, for example, has many similarities to other Germanic languages (think German and Dutch). Finnish is an interesting language to feature on this list because most people may assume that it would belong to the Indo-European family. Many languages are similar to other languages. You can't get much easier than this. Keep reading to discover the easiest languages to learn you may be surprised by some of the options. Furthermore, whilst it is known to be difficult to learn and takes a long time, the result makes it worthwhile. This makes learning new vocabulary much easier because the letters are ones that you are already familiar with and you can figure out how to pronounce something with relative ease. Although estimates vary greatly, Swahili is thought to be spoken as a native language by around 16 million people, and as a second language by up to 80 million people., In fact, if youve watched the Disney classic The Lion King youll already be familiar with a number of Swahili words such as rafiki (friend) and simba (lion). Why? However, that also depends on many other factors. Norwegian grammar is generally pretty straightforward, so it wont take you long to take a hang of it. As an Austronesian language, Indonesian does differ quite a bit from the Germanic and Romance languages on this list, but its actually surprisingly straightforward for English-speakers to learn. 10 Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers - Linguatics Or, for a more step-based lesson book, try Learn Persian (Farsi) Step by Step: Level One Beginner (Steps 1 to 10) by Fruzan Seifi, available in both kindle formats and physical copies. In addition, there are many English words in French vocabulary . For example, tonal languages can be difficult for someone who has no prior experience of tonal languages (for example, most of us English speakers). For starters, Indonesian spoken natively by nearly 23 million people is one of the few Asian languages that uses the Latin alphabet. For instance, Good morning, translates to Goeie moarn in the West Frisian dialect., Unfortunately, since Frisian is only spoken and understood by about 500,000 people, theres little reason to learn it, unless you intend to relocate to the Dutch province of Friesland or Germanys Saterland or North Frisia regions., Dutch, like Frisian, is closely related to English. For example, you may seek out a language teacher who specializes in your chosen language or may start to visit a store where a staff member speaks the language. Other languages may have unique and new sounds, compared with the sounds you know from your own language and alphabet. Persian and Farsi: Whats the difference? The latter fact will be a welcome discovery for those still reeling from the discovery that Arabic goes right to left! There are hundreds of French cognates in English. 1) Danish. If youre thinking of investing some time into learning a new language, why not take a look at some of the language courses offered by Berlitz?. Another Romance language you can start learning right away is Italian. That being said, we do have the Persian language to thank for many words that we use in English such as kiosk and bazaar, so you may well find some similarities within this beautiful language! Arabic grammar is notouriously complex, and Persian speakers will have just as much problem with mastering the grammar as do English-speakers. Or, easier than other languages, to be more precise. Its the official language of both Portugal and Brazil, as well as six African countries, including Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique, making it an extremely useful second language to have under your belt., Like Spanish, Portuguese stems from Latin and uses the same alphabet as the English language, which gives English speakers a slight advantage when learning it., One thing to keep in mind is that there are some distinct differences between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. To do so, its time to journey back in time to the roots of many countries in the Middle East Persia itself, and the Persian Empire. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. He writes about language, travel, and the many places they meet on the road at his blog. It technically belongs to the Uralic family, just like Hungarian and Sami (the indigenous language of Lapland). On the bright side, because it is so widely spoken with many different varieties there is a wealth of resources out there to help you. If you speak English, youll be very comfortable with the grammatical structure of Norwegian, so you can focus on learning vocabulary. The sounds created in the language are challenging for beginners as it is so culturally distanced from what you may be used to. This is because you have less chance of being able to interact with other speakers as you go about your daily life, and also because the language may incorporate cultural concepts that you are not familiar with. This can be difficult for a learner to get used to, especially if it is not something that they have ever come across before. The main reason for this is because of the use of the Cyrillic script. The sounds they use are also very different from English and can leave you feeling tongue-tied. Being a native English speaker, what would be the easiest language to First of all, English and Norwegian share a lot of . The change to New Persian was initially sparked by the rise of Islam and the Arabic nations of the area, including the adoption of Arabic script for writing, illumination for manuscripts, and a wider spread of poetry. Read on to start your journey into the beautiful and intriguing world of the Persian language, and good luck! The tonal element of this language is perhaps the hardest aspect to get to grips with. For example, the noun system is different from most other languages you may have heard of since it has three genders and two numbers. However, it's a different story in the United States. Danish 3. Under Xerxes, Persia took over large parts of Northern and Central Greece in the 480s BC, and the Empire was only shaken by the conquest of Alexander the Great by 330 BC. 33 Fun Things to Do in NYC: Unique & Unusual Activities, 21 Fun Things to Do in Central Park, New York City, 32 Romantic Things to Do in London for Couples, Villajoyosa: The Best Day Trip from Alicante, Spain, El Mercado de San Miguel, Madrids Famous Market: A Guide, Glossika Spanish Review: Very Repetitive, But Effective, How to Improve Your Language Teaching Methods, 18 Fun Facts about Finland (& Why I Love This Country). Different languages may use breathing and throat noises as part of their words which can be difficult to master for those new to the language. Enter Spanish. Portuguese is spoken by around 234 million people around the world. Top 10 Easiest Languages To Learn | Mondly Blog Another superb option is Persian Learning with your host, Majid, who goes over everything you need to know about the language. And if you want vocabulary courses that helps you learn Farsi words, Memrises courses are helpful. However, some languages are generally considered less demanding for English speakers. Some tonal languages may be particularly difficult for English speakers, as this is not something that they are used to. The Top 11 Easiest Languages To Learn (Even For English Speakers) This means youll be able to read and pronounce most words correctly once you have learned a few ground rules. Speak aloud to yourself or record yourself doing it using your smartphone, computer, or a recording device. Italian 7. 1. This Scandinavian language is grammatically easy and has only nine verb forms, including the passive, which is familiar to English speakers.It has a lot of Germanic-based vocabulary and unique speaking patterns, which are quick and soft. That is a huge amount of time, and even then you will only be at intermediate, conversational level. For example, improving listening skills should be. German The Indo-European language is the source of many of its idioms and concepts; Latin, Greek, French, and English all contribute to its construction in various ways. As you likely expected, Arabic uses Arabic script. Manage Settings What are the easiest languages to learn for Hebrew speakers? In fact, did you know that for most English speakers, Persian is one of the easiest Middle Eastern languages to learn? Another appealing thing about learning Norwegian is that the language has different accents. They share many words with English, but it's that common vocabulary . This is a rough estimate, whether you are learning in the classroom or learning from home. The letters can be learned and memorized, as can pronunciations, but the tone can take a little while for native English speakers to get right, especially if you have no native Mandarin speakers around to hear your tone and correct you if needed. Afrikaans is the native language of South Africa and is widely spoken all over the country. For an immersive Farsi language experience, download StoryTime in Farsi or Farsi Speaking Kids, but be prepared for a more advanced level of language learning without direct English translations. Kanji is a character-based system with thousands of characters to learn. In fact, Italian vocabulary is widely used in English, and youre probably already familiar with more Italian words than you may realise, from those relating to food, such as gelato and panini to others like diva, solo, finale or fiasco.. In the 11th century, the Norman invasion of England led . An example of this is the Russian words and . Learn Persian language offline and hundred percent free with no paid content. Practice little but often and you will likely find that things stick in your head much faster and more easily. , Pimsleur Spanish Review Repetitive But Effective. The Spanish language is phonetic (meaning the spelling tells you the pronunciation of the word). Its the most closely related to English out of all the languages in this list. Contents 1. In fact, everything from the pronunciation to the vocabulary may vary, depending on which type of Portuguese you are learning. Since its a phonetic language, most words are pronounced as they are spelled, so you should have any problems with it. 120 words, extremely simple grammar. Compared to Korean and Japanese, grammar is much easier to learn, mostly because their writing systems make learning challenging. However, the script involved with learning the Persian language is simpler than you might imagine, once you understand the basics. After Cyrus the Great transformed the groups of nomadic tribesmen into Persians and unified the lands under the name of an Empire, nearby Middle Eastern kingdoms like Media, Babylon, and Lydia soon fell under his rule to create the first superpower of the ancient world: the connection of Mesopotamia, the Nile, and the Indus Valley. Many of their words feature many consonants, as well as beginning with two consonants which can be jarring for a native English speaker. Yes, we are being serious! The Finnish language often uses just one word to say a whole sentence, which can be confusing for those used to the complex sentences of the English language. and the grammar, pronunciation and spelling is simpler than in many other languages. But since Norwegian and English have a lot of similarities, if you decide to take Norwegian lessons, you shouldnt come across too many obstacles. Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn, so it's logical why it is the second-largest language worldwide.. For example, FluentU helps you learn languages by adding interactive subtitles to thousands of videos, allowing you to see the language used in context and click on words and grammar structures you dont know. We have mentioned Arabic many times already as the Arabic script is used in many different languages. With its roots in Old Norse, it can be a fascinating language to study, and fluency in Norwegian will give you greater access to the countrys rich literary culture and mythology., Although Spanish is a Romance language rather than a Germanic language, its fairly easy for English speakers to learn because many English words stem from Latin. It is easy, there is many derivatives to the words. Malay(bahasa melayu) and Indonesian (bahasa indonesia) are similar languages that share a root language and language group but are still different, as they have their own vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and more. But generally, Portuguese is categorized as an easy foreign language for a reason. This may be because it is influenced in many ways by English and some of the more familiar Romance languages. Out of the many languages and dialects in the Middle East and Central Asia, Persian (Farsi) is one of the most historically rich and fascinating to learn. The following are some of. Also, if youve been taking Spanish lessons, Portuguese vocabulary will be much easier to learn. There is some memorization needed of their verb forming rules and their articles. Romanian 8. The 10 Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers. FluentU Review [2023]: Details, Features and What Real Users Have to Say, The Penny Pinchers Guide to Learning Any Language for Free, The Top 8 What Language Should I Learn Online Quizzes, The 6 Best Sources of Language Learning Videos on the Internet. There is also a welcome lack of verb conjugation, which is great news for learners, especially since this means that the sentence structure stays simple and short. A solar calendar was introduced, as was Zoroastrianism as the Empires religion, and strides in metal-working and primarily gold production for coinage. No grammar is super easy, but Swedish grammar rules are logical and somewhat similar to English. The multi-state system set up by Cyrus continued, including tax districts, infrastructure, communications, and transportation, all important to sustain such a massive expanse. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Originally, Persian was the language spoken by the rulers and people within the Empire of Persia, stretching back for thousands of years. Alternatively, Persian Language Online offers a variety of free lessons that cover everything from grammar to tenses, vowels to intonation. It's spoken in South Africa, Namibia, and a few other countries. However, once you have the grammar down the rest is much simpler. However, once this alteration becomes natural to you, the ability of these words to flow off the tongue comes with a joy second to none! There are plenty of German language resources available online. Indonesian is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 40 million native speakers and more than 150 million non-native speakers. French 3. That's mostly because it's a Germanic language - just like English. So, although it might seem tricky at first, mastering French pronunciation shouldnt be a big problem. Afrikaans 9. Indonesian sentence structure is also similar to English and its grammatical rules are fairly simple. Do you want to learn a new language but you dont have a lot of free time on your hands? For example, several common borrowed words in English that come originally from Farsi words include the following: Overall, Farsi and the Persian language are spoken by millions of people, both within Middle Eastern countries and across the globe. You can learn Persian from basics to advance level. For average native Turkish speakers, is it less difficult to learn That's because it's the closest language to English today, both in words and structure. However, it is a Brittonic language of Celtic origin. Here, the native name of the language is known as Farsi. If the grammar structure of the language you are learning is similar to your native language, it will undoubtedly be easier for you than if it were not. These things will help you to stay focused and will motivate you to keep going, even when there are days where the learning is less enjoyable. We love hearing from our readers. It shares many similarities with English, including a common alphabet, comparable sentence structure and familiar vocabulary. When it comes to the verbs, Persian uses these words to denote tenses and the grammatical aspect of how the action will continue over time, such as the continuous imperfect (I was loving) or the bounded perfective (I loved). Download our freeSpanish essentials eBook to help you get started. Name: Easiest Languages To Learn For English Speakers, According To Experts: Top 10 Being able to speak another language can actually. Other Middle Eastern languages that use similar dialects are Basseri in Southern Iran, Darwazi in Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Hazaragi in Pakistan, and the specific meanings that the Tehrani accent brings to the language. This is because the Dutch were some of the first colonizers of the States. Download our easy, visualItalian essentials eBook and get a head start. Its also gaining global popularity, and more and more people are looking for online Swahili lessons. The language changed and morphed over time, leaving us with the modern language and areas of native Persian speakers, including modern-day Iran. The Empire stretched over areas such as Macedonia, Thrace, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Bulgaria, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, and even parts of Egypt and Libya. You will have noticed that even the easiest languages on this list can take between 575 and 600 hours. Above all, have fun. With the help of cognates and surprisingly simple grammar rules, you'll be on your way to mastering a language in no time. First and foremost, it is a Romance language, but you cannot deny its Slavic influences, especially when you consider that Romanian once used the Cyrillic script. So, how easy or difficult a language might be for you to learn will depend not only on the language itself, but also on which languages youre already fluent in, or at least familiar with.Remember, how long it will take you to learn a language is influenced by many different factors. Esperanto was designed with you in mind: Minimal grammar, easy rules and as a bonus, lots of things that resemble many other world languages. German 2. Nevertheless, with lots of practice and a desire to learn, it is more than achievable. Hungarian belongs to the language family known as Uralic (this also includes Finnish). Along with natives and Spanish language learners, there are more than 572 million Spanish speakers worldwide. Some of the easiest languages for Americans to learn include Spanish, French, and Italian. Unlike many other languages in the world, Persian does not include grammatical gender, and pronouns are not marked with natural gender, either, making them all gender-neutral. Start with PersianPod101 for basic lessons and vocabulary, Lingua Boost Persian for experience in real life conversations, and Persian PodGap for culture, literature, and interviews. We have another popular Romance language for you to consider of course, its French. You just need to get used to it. A large portion of its vocabulary comes from Arabic, meaning that will be the main hurdle for non-native speakers to overcome. Easiest Languages To Learn For English Speakers, According To Experts In our search for the most agreed upon easiest languages to learn, we visited 10 "expert" sites and looked for the most recommended languages. More than 40 percent of the world is bilingual, meaning people can speak two languages fluently. Spanish "As a native English speaker, you will likely get on well with a language that uses the same alphabet as you. . Name: Easiest Languages To Learn For English Speakers, If you prefer warmer countries, youll be happy to hear that Spanish is also on the list of the easiest language to learn. Oh, and it is also a Romance language, meaning it sounds oh-so-romantic. independence high school football; fadi sattouf vivant; what animal is like a flying squirrel; james justin injury news; And others might be easier to learn because youre exposed to them in one way or another. Other features of the script include that it is an abjad alphabet, which means that only letters for vowels exist and any vowels must be indicated with diacritics or specific consonant combinations. Like Welsh, Gaelic is another language that comes from Britain and so is very close geographically to England. There are dialects of French even here in the States and of course, in Canada. Feel free to get in touch about anything. The original Persia is most commonly associated with the area of the Middle East and Gulf countries now known as Iran, though its ancient influence did extend beyond those constraints. As if that wasnt hard enough, they also use 6 noun cases and make use of vowel harmony, which is where vowels can sometimes shift in order to sound harmonious. The most important thing that we want you to take away from this article is that even though some languages may be easier for a native English speaker to learn than others, it does not mean the harder languages are out of your reach. The Persian language uses the Arabic script, something that native English speakers are unfamiliar with. It is spoken in 21 different countries! The first of the two means a lock whereas the second means a castle. As you are getting to grips with the writing of the language, you will also need to familiarize yourself with the cultural aspects of the language. Now that you have an understanding of the history behind the Persian language, the influence it carries, and some basic Persian structure, let me go over some general tips for learning the language. For instance, He comes from Norway translates to Han kommer fra Norge., Norwegian is spoken by around 5 million people, primarily in Norway. Italian is yet another beautiful language, much like Portuguese and the other Romance languages. Romanian 3 Moderate languages to Learn 1. Although there are differences when it comes to pronunciation, vocabulary and idioms, Dutch speakers can quite easily understand Flemish, and vice-versa., Dutch is spoken by around 24 million people worldwide, and is worth learning if you have plans to live and work in the Netherlands, or one of the other countries where its an official language, such as Suriname, Aruba or the Dutch Antilles., Like English, Norwegian or Norsk is a Germanic language, which makes it easier for English-speakers to learn. Or, if you want structured lessons on all things Farsi that will help you start speaking it in 30 days, check out Reza Nazaris channel to achieve your fluency goals! But compared to the languages with different writing systems and strange grammar concepts, learning basic Swedish is a piece of cake. For example, a high pitch means new information, a low pitch provides old information, low to high is used for contrast, and varying low and high tones brings doubt. It has Dutch at its core but it is also intertwined with other dialects and indigenous languages from Africa. Persian is the easiest, and there is little dialectal difference compared to Arabic where each type is basically its own language, though as always in language learning, personal interest trumps everything else. For this reason, many native English speakers may find that these languages are a little easier to learn than a language such as Chinese Mandarin or Arabic. More than 9 million people are native speakers of Tigrinya as of 2012. This will boost your confidence and enjoyment of the language, making you want to learn more. Easiest Languages To Learn For Spanish Speakers - Top 9 As a Romance language, Spanish derives from Latin, just like many English words. After Xerxes assassination in 465 BC, the litany of the last Achaemenid kings made strides in Persias cultural phase. They do use Latin script, but there are many grammatical cases that can make it much more complex to get to grips with than English. For this reason, they have had a lot of influence on English, particularly American English. Fill in the form below and well contact you to discuss your learning options and answer any questions you may have. It is full of mutations and consonants that are unfamiliar to an English speaker, but with some memorization and an eagerness to learn, it is certainly possible. Indonesian. 9 Easiest Languages For English Speakers To Learn - Babbel Magazine
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