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shortened descriptor example

The best descriptive writing appeals to multiple senses at oncesmell, sight, taste, touch, and hearingand is found in both fiction and nonfiction . Squarespace's response to notices of alleged copyright infringement may include the removal or restriction of access to allegedly infringing material. Whatever the market conditions or current trends, you will always find Awesome Motive leading the way to help our customers gain competitive business advantage and stay ahead of the curve. If the cardholder insists to their bank that they dont have any recollection of making the charge, the merchant may end up with a friendly fraud chargeback. For the majority of businesses, the static billing descriptor gets the job done. Bias alert: I kind of want this. Character Descriptions: How To Write Them (in 3 Steps) - Reedsy Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Short description meaning and usage. When you activate your account, you can set a single statement descriptor (static statement descriptor) that appears on all customer statements. Using "incredible" instead of "very good" and "jaw-dropping" instead of "surprising" are two common examples of how copywriters use power words to create good content. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? How to set up Stripe Descriptor? - Yapsody Support Through the use of careful examples or details, an author can conjure a scene that vividly describes a person, place, or thing. Note that most typical stores will not need this option. What Are Meta Descriptions And How to Write Them - Moz +40 Resume Summary Examples [+How-to Guide] - Novorsum "Short strappy dress available in different colours with a contrast floral print and a V-neckline." But if you have your own clothing brand which isn't yet that popular and you want to express why your item is special, you will have to take more care of the description in order to help the buyer decide on your brand. So if your product name is too long, it will be truncated. { By default, the statement descriptor will show up as your product name. Detail-oriented Technical Writer with 7+ years of experience in writing end-user documentation, specializing in user help guides. Business hours are Monday - Friday, 5:30AM to 8PM EST. An image of the deceased persons obituary, death certificate, and/or other documents. These advertisements remind the customer where their money was spent. You set a static statement descriptor or the shortened descriptor (prefix) in the Dashboard. synonyms. Japanese statement descriptors are available only when both of these are true: While most issuers use a Japanese statement descriptor rather than a Latin one, it is ultimately up to the issuer to decide which statement descriptor (kanji, kana, or Latin) to show on the cardholders statement. And stay that way. We'll help you find an answer or connect you with Customer Support through live chat or email. When we're stuck for words and don't know what else to add to our product description, we often add something bland like "excellent product quality". Company Job Description Template. Your customers might not understand a single value for all their transactions with your business. shortened descriptor example - Tell people about the work your company gets excited about doing. If you're writing a professional bio for a specific purpose, double check your guidelines for a preferred format. Describers must be clear and concise in order for readers to understand them. If you have feedback about how we collect sales tax, submit it here. 3. A government-issued ID. Then, highlight each term that describes a qualification you possess. Contents 1 Usage 2 Parameters 3 About writing good short descriptions 4 Template information 4.1 Example 5 Testing If you are currently using the free version of Stripe in EDD (i.e. 33 examples of great meta descriptions for search - Econsultancy A short description of the purchase will show up on the bank/card statement alongside the charge. Write in 3rd person point-of-view. Product Description Examples + Template For Writing Them Log in. The high-level review covers various elements of your small business such as the nature of your trade, the market gaps that you are going to fill, your competitive edges like efficient operations and turnkey solutions, etc. Fortunately, it's also one of the easiest to fix. The suffix is concatenated with the prefix, the * symbol, and a space to form the complete statement descriptor that your customer sees. Please note that information provided in a notice of copyright infringement may be forwarded to the user who posted the allegedly infringing content or the site owner. What Is A Shortened Descriptor? - SpentApp 2. All product and company names are the copyright, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective holders. If youre not based in a country or state where we collect taxes, and you believe we shouldnt collect taxes from you, please explain. Fraud note:collecting a full billing address can help reduce fraudulent charges. Including a phone number is always a good idea, and it helps to make sure there's someone on the other end of that number as often as possible. If the connected account hasnt provided this information, on_behalf_of charges use the platform accounts information. They originate from ordinary transactions made by legitimate customers, so oftentimes the only thing you can do is fight them with compelling evidence after the fact. For example, the field descriptor "Ljava/lang/String;" can be shortened to "L/String;". The complete statement descriptor can contain up to 22 characters, including the * symbol and the space that concatenates the prefix and suffix. The Stripe Pro Payment Gateway requires the following (version 2.9+): In order to use the Stripe payment gateway, you must first have a Stripe account. Most adverbs end in -ly (though not all of them), and theyre helpful ways to strengthen your writing. The best examples of product descriptions - THE EXPAT COPYWRITER For details on how this works, see ourBuy Now Buttons documentation. With a dynamic descriptor enabled on Yapsody, the statement descriptor for customers would show the event name for which the customer has purchased tickets. Write in third person. Good product descriptions for online stores - IONOS 4 short forms of Descriptor.Abbreviation for Descriptor: This drop-down field will allow you to select which billing details are collected. Statement descriptors explain charges or payments on bank statements. After a customer places an order on your site with a credit card or Apple Pay, Stripe sends basic information about your business and the purchase to your customer's bank. How do I prevent them? List of Descriptive Words: Adjectives, Adverbs, & Participles See Stripe Testing for more test card number and additional testing options. General Business Description Examples - UpCounsel A soft descriptor can be an excellent way for customers to keep track of what their bank is currently working on and when it will be completed. If you have the space, including your URL provides another easy way for cardholders to look you up and jog their memory. Well ask you to try that first if you havent yet. Send us a message. A customer service number or the businesss address may also be included in a descriptors. Descriptive Text Examples | YourDictionary Many instances of friendly fraud, however, are carried out by cardholders who genuinely fail to recognize charges and call their banks to report them as fraudulent. We recommend setting the static components of kanji and kana statement descriptors for Japanese connected accounts. How To Read The Legal Description Of Property? 6 Things (2023) To Know Here are 33 examples of well-written meta descriptions from a variety of brands and companies, with some analysis as to why they're effective. By making it easy for your customers to pay, you can make payments easier to manage. One chest pocket (always handy). See Japanese statement descriptors for more details. While friendly fraud can happen for a wide range of reasons, confusing merchant descriptors are one of the most common causes. Instead, you could use descriptive words like: gusty torrential breezy windswept Advertisement Adjectives as Descriptive Words Stripe Pro is enabled as soon as the Stripe Pro extension is installed and activated. Friendly fraud can be done intentionally; this practice is sometimes called cyber-shoplifting. Your customers will understand a static value for any transaction with your business. TIPS: Distributed Ledger Technology & Fraud Prevention. We are looking for a creative Recruitment Manager. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. You can set a static statement descriptor or the shortened descriptor (prefix) in the Stripe Dashboard. This equates to about 20-30 words (your mileage may vary). 4. A billing address is the address where your credit card or bank account is registered. Did you already try to recover your account through the login page? Your description can be longer, but Google will cut it short (see below example). There are three different types of merchant descriptors: A typical merchant descriptor consists of about 20-30 characters and includes the merchants name as well as location and/or contact information such as their phone number, URL, city, state, zip code, or country. This (optional) Statement Descriptor field will override the statement descriptor for all products. 16 Meta Description Examples, Plus How to Write a Perfect Description Keep your ideas simple while showcasing an instant product benefit. Statement descriptors can be static in one of two ways: The static component refers to either the static prefix or the static descriptor, and is set on the platform or connected account, depending on how your platform sets up charges. By default, the statement descriptor will show up as your product name. Writing a short professional bio is a great way to build your online presence. Note: With Dynamic Descriptor disabled on Yapsody the Statement Descriptor will not be shown in the Stripe Account. The Stripe payment gateway can automatically detect refunded purchases in your Stripe account. The following examples show how to add a suffix to the PaymentIntent object. Bullet points are frequently used to present the facts and arguments in a quick and clear way. The merchant's name is usually shortened to three letters plus an asterisk, followed by a brief description of the exact product or service purchased. 3. For questions about the legacy Squarespace 5 platform, please visit its Help Center: What situation led to the trouble accessing your account? what is a shortened descriptor example - When a customer makes a purchase from a merchant that uses shortened descriptors, the customers bank will typically display the merchants name as it appears on their website or app. Note, when a product is configured as a subscription using our Recurring Payments extension, the behavior is slightly different. In many situations, mentioning race or gender might . Choosing Your Billing Descriptor Wisely - Fidelity Payment Services Although newborn, they start out looking good (and old). Most banks display this information consistently, but some may display it incorrectly or not at all. This often occurs when the descriptor is different from the customer facing-name of the business. Using soft descriptors, banks can provide customers with assurance that their transactions are being completed on time. Expressive and Engaging Experiences: Joybird. In the Dashboard, you can change the static kanji and kana statement descriptors and shortened descriptor (prefix) of your account. A: No, the 2% fee only applies to transactions processed through Stripe when using the free version of Stripe. EDD creates a webhook for you, and you simply need to tell Stripe where it is. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Now in test mode, add a product to your cart and proceed to checkout. Settings (search for Stripe) > Payments Doug a11n (@dougaitken) Automattic Happiness Engineer and Robyn roccinio (Robyn) are looking into what could be causing this issue. and These descriptors may include additional information, such as the location of the business or a customer service number. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Accessibility Statement. This feature is not officially supported in the Payment Elements, and has been deprecated. If you used our Stripe integration before the introduction of Payment Elements, weve given you temporary access to a setting called Elements Mode in Downloads > Settings > Payments > Stripe. The ones that result from unclear merchant descriptors are the exception to this rule. For example, a drivers license, passport or permanent resident card. For card charges, you can set dynamic suffixes in kanji and kana on Payment Intents and Checkout Sessions. Why it works: This meta description is LinkedIn's standard paragraph for all LinkedIn business pages, simply swapping out the company name. If you use a dynamic suffix on a charge that uses the connected accounts static descriptor, you can set a prefix to ensure the complete statement descriptor appears as intended. A good merchant descriptor should contain a name customers will recognize, a URL, and a customer service phone number. How to Write a Course Descriptions:13 Tips and Best Practices Dynamic suffixes are supported only for card charges. The official Stripe PHP library included in Easy Digital Downloads requires PHP 7.1 or higher and EDD 3.1 or higher. For details on how this works, see our Buy Now Buttons documentation. Note: only 22 characters are allowed for statement descriptors. Descriptor Abbreviation - 4 Forms to Abbreviate Descriptor Did you find the answer you were looking for in the Help Center? 3. How to Write Effective Product & Service Descriptions - HostPapa The idea here is to be unique, interesting and relevant while avoiding any controversial topics (such as political affiliation). Stripe account and press Control + Backtick on your keyboard to start managing your Stripe UPDATE: May 2016. Weve added as much feature parity as possible, while still providing an optimal integration. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that's set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Go to WordPress admin Downloads Settings Payments, then enable the Stripe payment gateway. For example, if a customer makes a purchase from Acme Widgets, Inc. and the banks shortened descriptor limit is 15 characters, the customers bank statement might show Acme Widget or Acme Widget, I instead of the full merchant name. The customers statement uses the platform accounts static component for the following charge types: Any additional information thats displayed on a customers statement is also provided by the account that provides the static component (for example, support address or support phone number). Use of such marks herein do not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement by, them, their parent companies, or their subsidiaries. Squarespace responds expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the Services. 1. 20 job description examples to power up your hiring (+200 - Recruitee Book icon with list of descriptive words adjectives, adverbs and participles, Book: Lisitsa / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Background: Tolchik / iStock / Getty Images Plus. If you have a tax exemption certificate, attach it here. Use words that evoke emotion. Delivered to your inbox! The computed statement descriptor would then be RUNCLUB* 9-22-19 10K or RUNCLUB* OCT MARATHON. A meta description is a short summary, usually a character count of 160 or less, that is shown in the search results and gives a searcher an idea of what your page content is about. Make it simple for your customers to pay by providing them with payment information. The new Payment Element includes these by default, and will show when relevant to users, in a non-intrusive way, alongside the other payment methods that are supported by their browser. Total length is the length of either the static descriptor or the concatenated descriptor (prefix + separator + suffix). 13+ Company Description Examples - PDF - 1. This setting prevents Stripe assets from loading on every page. How to Set Up and Manage Billing Descriptors Look to the examples above to get inspiration for writing an entertaining description. The Stripe payment gateway has complete support for the Recurring Payments extension. You can even use verbs as describing words although theyre called participles in that context. Below is a table explaining which payment methods are accepted for currencies: You can read more about thecurrencies accepted by Stripe in their documentation. Squarespace Experts can help you polish an existing site, or build a new one from scratch. Using soft descriptors, banks can keep their customers informed while also providing them with information that will avoid confusion or frustration. For card charges, providing a dynamic statement descriptor requires the statement_descriptor_suffix value. The file descriptor for the text file can also be used to open a text file. Stripe Standard) and want to upgrade to Stripe Pro, there are no additional steps required. And, as we mentioned earlier, provide some proof. This guide is not available in English. Here are six job description examples that do just that and what you can borrow from them. This situation often arises when a merchant sets up an account with a payment processor under the company name theyre using at the time, but never updates the descriptor with the store name theyre now doing business as. It doesn't matter if the book is written in first person. Short Vowel Example: a: apple: e: egg: i: bit: o: fog: u: but: Basic rules for long and short vowel sounds in English. How to Write a Business Description (with Examples & Templates!) - LOCALiQ Because file descriptors are unique, you cannot open two files with the same one. We currently offer live chat support in English only. The first half of the statement descriptor is static (static prefix) and the second half is dynamic. Thanks for following the Chargeback Gurusblog. A good company description is clear and concise, and you can leave out many of the specifics that your business plan covers . A billing address is the first step toward receiving a bill from the utility. I'm very cheerfulStudies show that positivity can have a huge effect on patient recovery times, so I smile often and crack jokes whenever the time is right. Sign up for an interactive session where our experts walk you through Squarespace basics. The file descriptor serves as a key to a lock. Familiarize yourself with the requirements for statement descriptors. The file descriptor serves as a key to a lock. Lonely Planet (Search term: "travel inspiration") A complete statement descriptoreither a single static descriptor or the combination of a prefix and suffixmust meet the following requirements: A static prefix, also called a shortened descriptor in the Dashboard, must contain between 2 and 10 characters, inclusive. One-liners are your best option, so you should aim at that. You will be redirected in 5 seconds. Many companies kick off their job descriptions with a . While shortened descriptors can be helpful in identifying the merchant from which a purchase was made, they can also cause confusion if the truncated name doesnt clearly indicate the merchant. You can set all descriptors and their corresponding prefixes when creating a Japanese Custom connected account as follows: You can set dynamic kanji and kana suffixes when creating card charges with payment_method_options[card][statement_descriptor_suffix_kanji] and payment_method_options[card][statement_descriptor_suffix_kana]. How do bad descriptors cause chargebacks, and what do merchants need to know in order to make sure their descriptor is a good one? 17 Best LinkedIn Summary & Bio Examples [+ How to Write Your Own] - HubSpot FAQ: What is the Address Verification Service (AVS)? We could also add eye color automatically when the eyes are visible. Meta description examples Soft Descriptors: The descriptor that shows up after a transaction has been authorized. When you set up WooCommerce Payments, your statement descriptor will default to your site's URL, but you can change this under Payments > Settings. Ensure your files are .jpg or .png so we can view them. Contact us by email to get help with this topic. By default, the card number, expiration, and CVC use the same field. Get help from our community on advanced customizations. A static statement descriptor is sufficient if: For card charges, consider a static prefix with dynamic suffix if: Set both the statement descriptor and the shortened statement descriptor for flexibility in setting statement descriptors on charges. Send us a message and read our answer when its convenient for you. To process the payment and provide access to your download(s), click Process in the Status column when viewing the Payment history list. Template:Short description - Wikipedia Noticeably more substantial cotton than you normally find in T-shirts these days, garment-dyed to achieve the effect of great age. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2062618, '3756866d-802e-4138-960c-96dbbfda6952', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Many cardholders use their bank or credit card statementsboth the online ones, which are updated in real time, and the ones that are sent to them at the end of each monthto make sure that nothing untoward is going on with their credit and debit cards. Incorporate diets, customs and religion. The merchants name, the type of card, the cardholders name, the expiration date, and the credit limit are just a few of the more common descriptors. The description displayed in Google search results shows up to 149 155 characters (including spaces). Stripe - Setup Documentation - Easy Digital Downloads Here are a couple of common customizations that you may need to change or remove to optimize your Payment Elements experieince. To save this word, you'll need to log in. On this statement, you will see the name of the company that you paid for the purchase with a credit card. When fraud occurs, cardholders usually only find out about it when they read their statement and spot a transaction they don't recognize. Communicate recruitment goals and objectives with recruiters. In some cases, customers may see a shortened descriptor on their bank statement and not be able to determine which merchant it corresponds to. This can be found on the WooCommerce website. You can use the card number 4242424242424242with any CVC and a valid expiration date (any date in the future). These stores have been given access to an option to switch to Payment Elements during the initial phase of this release, allowing them to verify any customizations to their checkout page are not affected during the update, before making the switch to Payment Elements via their EDD Stripe Settings. Product Description: 9 Examples of Product Descriptions that Sell

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shortened descriptor example