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ebay seller doesn t accept returns

You will no longer be able to issue a refund even if you qualify to issue partial refunds under our seller protections. This can be useful when the buyer isn't completely satisfied with their purchase. You can choose to add a message to the buyer. Ebay has never been the best for buyer protection, my advice is make sure you note serials before sending off etc and be prepared to take returns even for BS reasons. You accept returns in your policy and the buyer changed their mind about a purchase. eBay Will Not Back Your Return Policy - YouTube Those are NOT SNADs & are not a valid reason to return or request a SNAD, if the seller has a No Returns policy. In some cases, eBay may automatically accept the return on the seller's behalf. All items included in the original package, Factory or vacuum seal must not be broken/opened (if applicable), Original tags included & attached (where applicable), Must include provided certificates of authenticity, grading or appraisal, Factory or vacuum seal is broken/opened but the item is still in its original condition, Item has been registered or user has not logged out of the device's account, and cannot easily be set back to factory settings, Significant signs of wear, or significantly different than how it was shipped to the buyer, Item is damaged, scratched, defective, or requires service or repair, Missing provided certificates of authenticity, grading or appraisal, Opened items that cannot be resold (perishables, liquor, makeup), Sold multiple items but the buyer didn't return all of them, We can't determine that the item received by the buyer matches the listing description, You offer returns and your stated return window applies. Buyers can find estimated delivery information in their Purchase history. If the seller hasn't responded or hasn't issued a refund after receiving the return, or if the buyer and seller can't reach a resolution, either party can ask us to step in and help. Eligible for coverage, when paid via eBay checkout: Additional exclusions and special coverage, including items with limited coverage. If you don't respond to the return request, we may refund the buyer and seek reimbursement from you, without requiring the buyer to send the item back. If an item is returned used or damaged, it may be appropriate to give a partial refund. See the table below for guidance on issuing a partial refund. My seller rating on eBay is 100% and I have had an account on eBay since 2009. [CDATA[ Items that display the Authenticity Guarantee - opens in new window or tab badge in the listing are first shipped to an authenticator who inspects the item prior to delivery to the buyer. [CDATA[ If we're asked to step in tohelp, we'll ask the buyer to return the item to you. On Wednesday September 18, 2019 the buyer requested a return despite the fact that I had specified no returns in the listing. eBay may close a buyer's eBay Money Back Guarantee case if the buyer files a chargeback or buyer protection claim for the same transaction with their payment provider (such as a credit card issuer or payment service provider), regardless of whether the chargeback or buyer protection claim is for the full or partial amount of the transaction. And we had to let him. I am not saying that's what OP was doing, just informational, since they are new to SNADs. Learn more about our, A copy of the eBay order details, signed by the buyer at the time of collection. Who pays for return postage you or the buyer depends on the reason they're returning the item and your return policy. If an authenticated item is eligible to be returned, the buyer will be asked to ship the item back to the authentication facility for inspection to ensure that the item is being returned in the same condition. As a no returns seller, I still get the option to accept a SNAD. Additionally, you can advise the buyer that they'll be responsible for covering return postage costs, or you can provide a label. If the buyer is responsible, choose your return address from the dropdown menu. 01:38 PM See Partial refund guidelines. Some returns may remain open for up to 35 business days. If they've opened the return for another reason, for instance if they ordered the wrong item or changed their mind, then you aren't required to accept the return however, where possible we always suggest providing a great customer experience. When a buyer reports that an item doesn't match the listing and the transaction meets our eligibility requirements, we will look for all of the following: If we determine that the seller did not meet their return requirements: If we determine that the buyer did not meet their return requirements, the buyer may not receive a full refund for the item and/or shipping costs. As an eBay seller I discuss accepting free 30 day returns versus accepting no returns at all. Give a full refund:You'll issue a full refund to the buyer, and they'll keep the item. Enter a return merchandise authorization number, if you use them. For example, if an item arrived with a minor scratch but the buyer is happy to keep it. All items included in the original package, Factory or vacuum seal must not be broken/opened (if applicable), Original tags included & attached (where applicable), Must include provided certificates of authenticity, grading, or appraisal, Factory or vacuum seal is broken/opened, but the item is still in its original condition, Item has been registered or user has not logged out of the device's account, and it cannot easily be set back to factory settings, Significant signs of wear, or significantly different than how it was shipped to the buyer, Item is damaged, scratched, defective, or requires service or repair, Missing provided certificates of authenticity, grading, or appraisal, Opened items that cannot be resold (perishables, liquor, makeup), Sold multiple items but the buyer didnt return all of them, We can't determine that the item received by the buyer matches the listing description, You offer returns and your stated return window applies. Give a full refund The buyer will receive a full refund, including original postage costs, and they'll keep the item. I countered with a fair partial refund of about 35-40 percent immediately but he never replied or said another word. Buyers will not be covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee if they make fraudulent claims or engage in activity as described in the Abusive buyer policy. eBay Money Back Guarantee covers most transactions on eBay. If we determine that the buyer did not meet their return requirements, the buyer may not receive a full refund for the item and/or for original or return shipping costs. This can be useful when the buyer isn't completely satisfied with their purchase. How to accept a return when the buyer changed their mind about a purchase. If the buyer does not ship the return by the specified date, eBay may close the return request. Your options for responding to a buyer's request depend on the reason they're returning the itemand the return policy you stated in your listing. Buyer is asking for a refund because he can't figure out how to use it. A few days later I receive a not as described PayPal claim. - edited Accept the return:The buyer will send the item back to you for a full refund (this may or may not include the original shipping costs). However, if you do, you'll providea great customer experience thatencouragesthe buyer to purchase from you in the future. The above applies whether or not a seller accepts returns. You purchased an item from me well aware that I do not accept returns, you then proceed to use this item for approximately 23 days before deciding that it just doesn't work for you and now you want to purchase something else? I waited a week and called eBay to close the request as obviously the buyer is ignoring it and my money is on hold and was told that they would step in and make a decision. Thanks for being honest about this. eBay Money Back Guarantee applies when: The buyer doesn't receive an item; The item received by the buyer doesn't match the listing, for example: . If a buyer received the wrong item, it arrived damaged, or it doesn't match the listing description the purchase is covered by the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy, they can return it to you, even if your return policy states that you don't accept returns.. eBay may automatically accept a return from a buyer on your behalf if an eBay shipping label is available. You are not allowed now to dispute a not as described return. See ourpartial refund guidelines. Give a full refund:You'll issue a full refund to the buyer, and they'll keep the item. It does not sound as if you are likely to hear anything more from the seller and that they refunded because the cost of shipping it back was more than they wanted to pay. You probably won't win, but if you don't call, the chance of you winning is ZERO. 01:47 PM That decision is for him to be allowed to return it. You don't accept returns in your policy and the buyer changed their mind about a purchase. You can see it on the listing if it qualifies. Preventing returns is about more than protecting the seller rating and feedback score. '&charset='+document.characterSet : '')); This feature may not be used to recoup market losses on items returned in the same conditionor to recoup return shipping and restocking fees. I have an email that I have never seen in my 20 years at eBay. If the item is returned used or damaged, you may qualify to give the buyer a partial refund. You'll be able to see the buyer's reason for requesting the return, the date you need to respond by, and any additional comments or photos provided by the buyer. There are some simple, practical steps you can take to reduce the risk of something going wrong with your buyerspurchases. eBay may automatically accept a return from a buyer on your behalf if an eBay postage label is available. This is a good option for low-value items. The seller is required to respond and provide a solution to the buyer's issue. Welcome to the Returns board! When you receive an item that does not match the description or arrives broken the money back guarantee overrides any return policy the seller may have. Give your rule a name and then select Save and turn on. This inspection ensures that the item purchased matches the listing description and verifies the item's authenticity. So let me get this straight? See our Partial refund guidelines for more details. //]]>-->,